0400387333 (Finland)
Heures recherchées
Signalé par les utilisateurs
04. Wed.
Dernière recherche
Dernier commentaire
10. June 2023
Arnaque/Appel automatisé
He was a really bad person 3 years ago, donot know if he still is acting the same. he was threatening, dangerous, mad angry type if you do not agree to him. I do not know if he is still the same bad person or not.
Commentaire de l'utilisateur (Finland)
2023.06.10 16:27
- Betrug / Robocall (78,6%)
- Telemarketing (0%)
- Marktforschung (0%)
- Meinungsumfrage (21,4%)
- Sichere (0%)
- Kurier/Lieferung (0%)
- Andere (0%)
Abus signalé
Formats possibles :
+358400387333, 00358400387333, 0400387333, +358 4 00387333, 40 0387333, tel:+358-4-00387333
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